About TOX VoIP Messaging App
1- What is TOX
2- Why prefer TOX
3- Where to download TOX
4- How to install TOX
5- How to use TOX
6- How do I display my TOX identity (Tox-chat ID) in my "CALL THE SELLER" space?
1- What is TOX?
Before trying to find out what TOX is, let's start by knowing what VoIP applications are.
Voice over IP, or "VoIP" for "Voice over IP", is a computer technology that allows voice to be transmitted over IP (Internet Protocol) compatible networks, via the Internet or private (intranets) or public networks, whether they are wired (cable/ADSL/fiber optic) or not (satellite, Wi-Fi and mobile networks).
VoIP software such as Skype, Signal, Discord, qTox, WhatsApp now manage all multimedia streams (telephony, video calls, instant messaging and file transfers).
a) Description of TOX according to its designers.
TOX is described by its designers themselves on the official app website as follows:
"A new type of instant messaging. From businesses to governments, digital surveillance is widespread today. Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone no one else listens to you. While other big name services require you to pay for features, Tox is completely free and ad-free - forever."
About the project of the creation of the TOX application mentioned in the official page of the site says this:
The Tox Project
Tox started a few years ago, following Edward Snowden's leaks about NSA spy activities. The idea was to create an instant messaging application that ran without requiring the use of central servers. The system would be distributed, peer-to-peer, and end-to-end encrypted, with no way to disable encryption features; at the same time, the application would be easily usable by the layman without working knowledge of cryptography or distributed systems. During the summer of 2013, a small group of developers from around the world formed and started working on a library implementing the Tox protocol. The library provides all messaging and encryption functionality and is completely decoupled from any user interface; for an end user to use Tox, they need a Tox client. Fast forward a few years to today, and there are several independent Tox customer projects, and the original implementation of the core Tox library continues to improve. Tox (both the main library and the clients) has thousands of users, hundreds of contributors, and the project shows no signs of slowing down.
Tox is a FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) project. All Tox code is open source and all development happens in the open. Tox is developed by volunteer developers who devote their free time to it, believing in the idea of the project. Tox is not a business or any other legal organization. Currently we are not accepting donations as a project, but you can contact the developers individually.
b) Description of TOX according to Sewôné Africa
TOX is an alternative application to Skype and WhatsApp, as well as other VOIP instant messaging applications. Free and Open Source, TOX is a decentralized, encrypted, and free application without any advertising.
2- Why prefer TOX
a) Transparency
The application's legal license is "Free and Open Source". In the French language, there are 2 different words (Libre and Gratuit) distinguish the Anglo-Saxon confusion of the word "Free" which can mean Free (Libre = from freedom, liberty) and Free (Gratuit = Costless or out of charge) depending on the case.
b) Security
How does Tox protect my privacy? Tox protects your privacy by:
Its peer-to-peer operation allowing it the freedom not to depend on any centralized authority to provide messaging services to its users
Its application of end-to-end encryption with perfect forward secrecy as the default and unique mode of operation for all messages
Make your identity impossible to falsify without the possession of your personal private key, which never leaves your computer, your smartphone or your tablet.
c) Confidentiality
Does Tox disclose my IP address?
Tox does not attempt to hide your IP address when communicating with friends, as the whole point of a peer-to-peer network is to connect you directly to your friends. A workaround exists in the form of tunneling your Tox connections through Tor. However, a non-friendly user cannot easily find out your IP address using just a Tox ID; you only reveal your IP address to someone when you add them to your contact list.
3- Where to download TOX
3 official addresses where it is recommended to download Tox to install on your device whether it is a computer (under Windows, MacOS, Linux or FreeBSD) or whether it is a smartphone or a tablet.
On the Download page of the official website of the Clients Tox application but also on the wiki page of the same official website.
On the github the collaboration site of the developers of the application.
On F-Droid for Android smartphones and tablets. There is aTox in Google Play but it is better to install the F-Droid platform version
a) For Windows: qTox version and qTox 32 Bit version. And uTox 64 Bit
b) For android: On Google Play, there are aTox and Antox two versions for you to choose.
c) For iPhone: The currently operational version on App Store is Antidote
d) For Mac: qTox and uTox
4- How to install TOX
Installing Tox on your device is obviously as simple as anything. In the same way that you are used to installing software or applications on your device, the installation of torx is effectively done like all other software. Here we will see the example of the computer on Windows computers under Linux and for the devices for the telephones under Android or iPhone you will proceed exactly like the installation of all all the other applications.
a) windows
Once downloaded, double click on the executable file. The installation window is displayed and continue by clicking on Next =>> Next =>> as you can see in the demonstration video below.
b) Debian (Linux)
Open Terminal and you can install by running the following command:
sewone@africa:~$ sudo apt install utox
c) Slackware (Linux)
If you use Slackware, you can download the Slack version from here.
d) For all Linux distributions having AppImage Launcher.
AppImages files are here qTox
e) OpenBSD
Currently no one provides binaries. You will need to compile uTox. See instructions.
f) FreeBSD
Open Terminal and you can install uTox using pkg:
sewone@africa:~$ sudo pkg install utox
5- How to use TOX
It is often said that: "THE IMAGE SPEAK FOR ITSELF". So instead of making a thousand speeches, short videos are more than enough to understand how to use Tox. Even without understanding the language of the video, the pictures are enough.
a) Example of use with a Windows computer
Youtube video in english PART1 by Crypt- Skip.
b) Example of use with an Android smartphone
Youtube video in English - By MrDonLee
c) Example of use with a Mac
Youtube video in French - By leopensourceman
d) Example of use under MX-Linux (Based on Debian 11)
Youtube video in French - By ABDOULAYE 44 Junior
c) Other platforms
It's also simple and similar on all other devices regardless of the operating system on board.
6- How do I display my TOX identity (Tox-chat ID) in my "CALL THE SELLER" space?
Whether on your mobile phone via your Sewônè Africa mobile application or on your computer via a web browser, go to the top of the menu bar of the sewone.africa site, choose your language there, then click on the "little man" icon to log in to your account. In the small window that opens, enter your identifiers and click on connect to access your personal space.
Once you are logged into your personal space, click on the "My Profile" link and go to the "Account Settings" tab.
In this tab, you have the whole list of settings for your account to edit if you deem necessary. Ranging from your user name displayed on your classified ads to your telephone number and your tox identifier (Tox-Chat ID). You also have the choice by "radio button" to display or not, the "green link button" allowing users to contact you directly on WhatsApp. If you have a website or a document to share at the bottom of this tab you have the possibility to put the URL address of your website as well as to "upload" and make available the document of your choice that you wish to share with users.
Once all the changes you want are made scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the green Edit button to save your changes.